The Five P's of a Change Champion
Here is an outline for a step by step process guaranteed to develop an internal resource that will be able to provide effective, results-driven changes:
Purpose: Helping your leadership team create and then gain a real understanding of the true purpose for an organization-wide transformation initiative.
Persistence: Never becoming discouraged or giving up. The true change champion will never be satisfied with status-quo. This also includes bringing those reluctant folks along through your positive influence.
Patience: Everyone needs to progress at their own pace of lean understanding. Knowing when fellow employees who may be on a steep lean learning curve will take extra time to assimilate before they really understand how it works. This is a good opportunity for reflection - hansei .
Passion: You love leading change - and it shows! You know that you have the best job in the company.
Pride: Your pride shows when you go that "extra mile" in doing your job better than anyone else. And better next time then the time before.